NASA | Index





The National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA, India) is the largest architectural student body in the world with over 300 dues-paying colleges with participation from other student bodies and colleges in India and across the globe. NASA, India is an autonomous, non-profitable, non-political, non-religious, and democratic body for the undergraduate students of Architecture in India.

The objective of the organization is to create a platform for architecture students to learn, interact and grow.



                                                 The organization aims to bridge the gap between                                      
                                                 the students and professionals of the fraternity and                                       
                                                  those affected by their outcomes.


NASA is no doubt one of the largest Architects student bodies in the world. The fact the body has survived for six decades is itself the evidence of leadership and the student hope for the future. In any society change is brought by young people, and in India change in architectural education, I hope, will be brought out by the young minds of the Nation Association of Students of Architecture. With the growing number of schools in the country, Nasa has become a potential force in future, and this will bring a big change in Architectural education and profession in India. I believe that the IIA should have a student representative in their committees and bodies…. It is no longer a student Jambori and, it has become a student platform where the young minds meet not only to have fun but also exchange a lot of new ideas. This is important for the development of the future of the country and for nurturing young minds.

-AR. JAFFER KHAN ( ( Principal, Jaff Design Studio, Auckland, New Zealand ) )